Health & Fitness, Life

Movement Practice

“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.” – Carol Welch Why? As I am no spring chicken anymore, I noticed from my training that even though I may be still in OK shape and getting a bit stronger and fitter, I am not getting sorer and not moving well. An example is…

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Health & Fitness, Life

Time Restricted Feeding – Dr Rhonda Patrick

In this video Dr Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Satchin Panda discuss what ‘Time Restricted Feeding’ is and the benefits it has for the body. The video goes for 90 minutes but there is some great information in there. If you don’t have the time to watch the video, check out my notes below     What is the circadian clock? Every…

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Prioritise & Execute

We all know what its like trying to deal with that ever growing list of tasks. You get stressed just looking at the tasks and spend more time worrying about the list then actually working and dealing with any of the tasks. The following is some sound advice taken from the book ‘Extreme Ownership’ “Even the most competent of leaders…

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