Power BI is a fantastic, and relatively easy, way of getting some great reports and analytics out of your Spiceworks database. UPDATE: I have added this video tutorial to hopefully make this clearer and easier to follow.
Category: Spiceworks
Spiceworks: Unassigned tickets report with PowerShell
An “Unassigned Tickets” report is very useful for making sure everyday that all tickets are being picked up and not left sitting unassigned. Spiceworks has the built in report functionality which are great, but the only issue I have with them is that you cant put report content directly in an email, it sends it as an attachment. So I…
How To Export Spiceworks Reports to HTML Using Powershell
Introduction This allows you to query the Spiceworks database and save the results as a HTML report. It uses the PSSQLite Powerhsell module and then the ‘ConvertTo-HTML’ command to output it to HTML. Step 1: Create your SQL Query It is best to run your test query’s against a copy of your Spiceworks database, not your live database. There are…