Azure, Office 365, Technology

6. Managing Domains for Hybrid Configuration with On-Premise

Configuring On-Premise Active Directory to Support Additional Domains

Seamless SSO

The goal with this is for users to logon to the local domain and be automatically logged in to Microsoft 365

Adding another UPN (User Principal Name)

To allow your users to be associated with another domain you need to add a UPN for that domain in Active Directory.

To do this:

  1. Go to “Active Directory Domains and Trusts”
  2. Go to Properties
  3. From here you can add an alternative UPN suffix
  4. Then you can select this alternative domain name as the username for your users in AD


Adding and Verifying Additional Domain Names in Microsoft 365 /Azure

You must have your domain setup with public DNS to set this up.

Adding a Domain

  1. Go to M365 Admin Centre -> Settings -> Domains
  2. Click add a Domain
  3. Enter the domain name
  4. Click Use This Domain

Verifying the Domain

If it is a GoDaddy domain you can just use your GoDaddy credentials. Otherwise there are 2 ways to verify your domain:

  • Add a TXT record to your domain DNS
  • Add an MX record to your domain DNS


Setting the Primary Domain Name in the M365 Admin Centre

  1. Go to M365 Admin Centre -> Settings -> Domains
  2. Select the domain you want to make the Primary
  3. Click the “Set as default” option at the top

Now when you add users it will set this domain as their username


Configuring User Identities for using a New Domain Name

Using M365 Admin Centre

  1. Go to M365 Admin -> Users -> Active Users
  2. Select a user with the old domain name -> Manage Username
  3. There you can use the drop down menu to  configure there username with the new domain name

Using PowerShell

#Connect to M365 services: 
Connect -MSolService

#to set the username
 Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -serPrincipalName currentUsername -NewUserPrincipapName NewDomainUserName

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