Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 6.1 Encryption

1. Understanding Encryption Cryptography is the use of mathematical algorithms to transform information into a form that is not readable by unauthorised individuals. Cryptography does, however, provide authorised individuals with the ability to transform that encrypted information back into readable form. Encryption: converts information from its plaintext form into an encrypted version that is unreadable. This is known as ciphertext…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 5.5 Forensics

1. Conducting Investigations There are four main types of investigations that often involve cybersecurity professionals. These are: 1. Operational investigations: Seek to resolve technology issues (EG: service might be returning errors, a server might be responding too slowly, or a network might be congested) Restore normal operations as quickly as possible low standards of evidence as no legal action involved…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 5.4 Incident Response

1. Security Incidents Security Incident Terminology Security Event: these occur anytime that an observable action takes place on a system that has security implications. This may be a user accessing a web page, a file being written to disk by a process, a connection being established through a firewall, or any other security related event. Thousands of security events take…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 5.3 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

1. Business Continuity Planning Business continuity efforts are a collection of activities designed to keep a business running in the face of adversity. This adversity may come in the form of a small-scaled incident such as a single system failure or a catastrophic incident, such as an earthquake or tornado. Business continuity plans may also be activated by man-made disasters…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 5.2 Supply Chain Risks

1. Managing Vendor Relationships Security professionals must pay careful attention to managing these vendor relationships in a way that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their organisation’s information and IT systems. This is known as Supply Chain Assessment. Perhaps, the most important rule of thumb is that you should always ensure that vendors follow security policies and procedures that…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 4.4 Account Management

1. Understanding account and privilege management Account Management Tasks: implement the principles of least privilege: An individual should only have the minimum set of privileges necessary to complete their assigned job duties Implement separation of duties: Performing sensitive actions should require the collaboration of two individuals implementing job rotation schemes: regularly move people between jobs to prevent fraud managing the…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology

Security+ Course – 4.3 Authorisation

1. Understanding Authorisation Authorisation is the final step in the access control process. Once an individual successfully authenticates to a system, authorisation determines the privileges that individual has to access resources and information. 2 Principles of Authorisation Principal of Least Privilege: This principle states that an individual should have only the minimum set of permissions necessary to accomplish his or…

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Comptia Security+, Security, Technology, Uncategorized

Security+ Course – 4.2 Authentication

1. Authentication Factors Once you’ve identified yourself to a system, you must prove that claim of identity. That’s where authentication comes into play. 3 different authentication factors Something you know: this is the most common and is typically in the form of a password the user has to remember. Users should choose strong passwords consisting of as many characters as…

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